Sage is botanically known as Salvia, a Latin word which means "to save or to heal". Sage is well known for its therapeutic properties. It is widely used for a variety of culinary purposes. Its also known as the "Garden Meadow". The Romans have widely used in treating many ailments ranging from snakebites to epilepsy. There is an Arab Proverb, which says, "Why should a man die when sage grows in his garden" this proverb depicts the healing property of Sage. Its said that Chinese traded with the Dutch to procure Sage from them for their use.
Sage has many culinary uses too. It goes well with cheese and soup preparations. Sage is used as a preservative in meat preparations. Sage is widely sued in fat-rich food preparation to aid in digestion. Sage is an important ingredient used in the American's Thanks Giving dish - the Turkey.
Sage is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Mediterranean. Sage is a silvery green plant, which has a lingering fragrance. Its usually harvested just before flowering in the months of May and June. This plant grows in sunny regions and rich soil with sufficient drainage. Sage can be grown in pots too. The plant is perennial but has to be replaced every three to four years so that it does not become woody. The leaves have a leathery texture and can be dried and preserved for future use. The purple variety of sage is used for medicinal purposes than the green one. Sage grows well in warm regions. Sage is an important condiment in meat and fish preparations. Sage is also often used as a breath freshener and tooth cleaner.
Sage is used to cure variety of conditions like sore throats, mouth inflammations, coughs, liver disorders, and upset stomach. Studies have proved that the sage oil also contains the antibacterial and antiviral properties. Its popularly known for curing rheumatism, menstrual bleeding, improving the memory. The tannin content is relatively high in Sage, which is useful in treating the diarrhea in infants. Its also effective as an external applicant on wounds. The phenolic acid content in the Sage makes it potent against the Staphylococcus aurenus. Sage is also known for restoring failing memories in elderly people. The French used the herb and called it "Toute bonne" meaning 'all is well'.
Salvia is used to suppress excessive perspiration. Sage has a long history of curing gastrointestinal disorders. The bitter component present in the Sage helps promote digestive secretions and bile flow. Traditionally used to promote menstruation by stimulating the uterine contractions. Pregnant women are advised not to consume Sage due to this property of Sage. Sage has the capacity to control high Blood Sugar. Studies have shown that a combination of Biloba, Rosemarry and Sage is effective in slowing down the Alzheimer's. Sage oil concentrates are limited to aromatherapy only as they are toxic. Hot sage gargling relives soar throats and tonsillitis. Sage is an excellent remedy for mucous congestion in the airways and prevents infections.
Commercially Sage is available in dry leaf and oil forms. Sage based natural deodorants are also available in the markets
Singleton class and Static class
11 years ago
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